Your website has been on-line for a year or maybe even… five or more, and it has not been updated at all since you singed in blood that fateful day your (insert family member) created you site and put it on-line. The dancing cats and music you carefully had them pick out for you to make your page stand out, have been neglected and run off to other more interesting parts of your site making everything fall apart.
All kidding aside, our website represents you and your company. If you do regularly make updates and keep up with SEO, and tech trends things can go bad quickly. Not to mention that your users will either think of your business as the outdated unorganized website they first saw or flee and never do business with you.
1. SEO Rankings
Get up there and get noticed! It is much more effective to embed SEO hooks into a new site rather than after it has been built.
2. Leader or Target?
Are you competing with your competitors or hiding in the woodwork? Do you want to attract new customers? Do you have a STRONG brand image? Clear and firm goals can help you make well informed decisions
3. Website Content
Does you site still party like it 1999? Does it reflect where you are heading? The first impression customers get when they come to your site can make or break a sale.
4. Current Code
Is your website written in the latest and greatest code? It it mashed together in frames or tales? Web standards change radically, and modern CSS allows pages to be adaptable to many screens.
5. Lookin’ Good
Is your information easy to find on your site? Is the layout cluttered and tired? Your site should be simple to navigate and find important information. If you site is poorly designed and disorganized users will think the same thing about your organization.
6. The Extras
Do you have a CMS or Content Management system? They allow you to update you site yourself so as new products, services or features come available to your company you can add most of the changes yourself and not have to rely on hiring someone to constantly change things.
7. Are you Mobile
can users easily view site on a smart phone or tablet? With mobile users increasing at astronomical rates being mobile friendly can drastically increase the number of customers you can reach.
Build your Business, Increase Sales, Make your Brand stand out in the crown and increase your on-line reputation! We can help you will all aspects of your site redesign!